Security Alert. Your accounts was compromised. You need change password!

Posted by KP-3မိသားစု |


As you may have noticed, I sent you an email from your account.
This means that I have full access to your device.

I've been watching you for a few months now.
The fact is that you were infected with malware through an adult site that you visited.

If you are not familiar with this, I will explain.
Trojan Virus gives me full access and control over a computer or other device.
This means that I can see everything on your screen, turn on the camera and microphone, but you do not know about it.

I also have access to all your contacts and all your correspondence.

Why your antivirus did not detect malware?
Answer: My malware uses the driver, I update its signatures every 4 hours so that your antivirus is silent.

I made a video showing how you satisfy yourself in the left half of the screen, and in the right half you see the video that you watched.
With one click of the mouse, I can send this video to all your emails and contacts on social networks.
I can also post access to all your e-mail correspondence and messengers that you use.

If you want to prevent this,
transfer the amount of $776 to my bitcoin address (if you do not know how to do this, write to Google: "Buy Bitcoin").

My bitcoin address (BTC Wallet) is: 1K7nnDHosR5czKZtuKT928YSxXXNSaDK6H

After receiving the payment, I will delete the video and you will never hear me again.
I give you 50 hours (more than 2 days) to pay.
I have a notice reading this letter, and the timer will work when you see this letter.

Filing a complaint somewhere does not make sense because this email cannot be tracked like my bitcoin address.
I do not make any mistakes.

If I find that you have shared this message with someone else, the video will be immediately distributed.

Best regards!

Ep 32: The Year Is Dead. Long Live The Year Is Live!

Posted by KP-3မိသားစု |

Ep 32: The year is dead. Long live the year.

Chris Arnold and I talk about the year that was and the year that is to be.

Join the conversation at, email, Twitter @veteranwargamer

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Music courtesy Recorded with Edited with Audacity. Make your town beautiful; get a haircut.

DE: Competitive List Predictions

Posted by KP-3မိသားစု |

What is competitive and what is not?

As players of all skill levels get more accustomed to the new Dark Eldar codex, one of the questions I see popping up all over the place is "what's competitive?"  Well, first thing's first.  The book has only been out of a couple of days, but I think I have my bearings point in the right direction for what is going to be good in competitive DE play.  However, what I can't see too clearly is just how much much of Dark Eldar is going to be in them.  What I mean by that exactly?  I'm referring to how many Dark Eldar units will make the cut into a GT winning list and roughly what percentage of the army will be from the book itself.

You've all heard about soups, right?  When you hear something like Imperial soup, this is referring to a mixture of detachments taken from different army books to form an army.  Most of the time, this is done for competitive reasons and why there have been countless articles out there complaining about this.  Thinking back towards the earliest days of Allies, it's true:  Not all army books are created equal and if no one allies with anyone else, this would make the imbalance stand out even more.  However, the same could be said about certain armies not being to ally with other armies.  Aeldari soup is nowhere close to having the number of options as Imperial soup, while armies like Necrons are pretty much left to fend for themselves.

Allied armies, in general, have room to be the most competitive.  While mono-faction armies can be good, they normally result in spamming of a key unit that's just outrageously cost-efficient or so good that you would be stupid not to take a lot of them.  An example of this can be the Index Tau Commander or the current Flyrant spam that you're seeing from Tyranid players.  Necrons are reduced to spamming crap like triple C'Tan vaults because they have no one to really ally with.

However, when you look at Imperials, you get crap like Guard CP batteries for dirt cheap and having access to an easy +6 CP from cost-effective battalions.  You can then supplement that with super-effective AdMech Robots and Shield-Captains on Dawneagles.

Some other competitive lists out there:
Ynnari Dark Reapers w/ Saim-Hann Spears
Shining Spears w/ Hemlocks
Magnus w/ Tzaangor herds
Morty Poxbombs
Dark Talon spam
Blood Angels w/ Tallaran Superheavy
Azrael Hellblaster deathstars

So, the question I've been asking myself over the last couple of days is where Dark Eldar fits in the picture now.  What do we have in our book that is so good that we might see mono-army builds, or what do we have that is incredibly cost-effective to the point that we can replace Dark Reapers or Saim-Hann Spears when it comes to battle prowess?  Above all, what do we have in our book that will make us a competitive pick to the point that WAAC players will take our army over all other options out there in the meta?

Prophet Grots are actually pretty gross.. in a super good way.

These are pretty serious questions to any competitive player and this is one of those things that will spark a lot of controversies.  Just recently, I came back from arguing on the internets about Wych hordes (100+ Wyches) being the next best thing.  The first thing I thought to myself:  ARE YOU GUYS NUTS?  Seriously, Wyches are pretty good, but I wouldn't rank them better to the cost-effectiveness of 6 ppm Warriors, plentiful Dissie/Blasters, or the sheer durability of a 35-point Grot that has 4W, 4++ and FNP with a healthy amount of attacks and great movement.  Truth be told, it boggles my mind when I see people screaming that Wyches are the best thing in the codex.  I'm not sure if they're just outright trolling, or all the dust from their shelved Wyches finally polluted their brains.

Maybe it's something Nick said over on his blog post about the DE book.  Maybe this is why people are going all apeshit over Wyches but yet missing the key ingredients on why a Wych heavy list like Nick's example works in the first place.  I'll tell you the secret:  Whenever you buy Wyches, you give up on shooting and other strong and competitive options there are in the entire Aeldari faction.  In order for Wyches to be effective, the unit composition has to be correct because you need the pressure to be applied correctly and effectively.  This means you need to also buy Reavers or Grots to be part of the attack because they are also high-value targets that threaten the enemy army in a bigger way (Reavers enter combat quickly and Grots just smash).  All this added pressure then takes away from your shooting elements such as a Black Heart Spearhead of 4-5 Ravagers sitting in the backfield raining shit on your opponents.  What this article doesn't mean is that you should go out and buy 100 Wyches to put them on the table.  That's just an expensive and stupid investment.

Now that I'm done ranting, let's get back down to business.  I want this thread to spark controversy but I also want to spark a serious thought experiment.  What do we have in our book that can possibly uproot the other unit combinations from the meta and say that ours is superior?

Here are my picks:
  • Blackheart Spearhead - Archon with Cunning and Living Muse, with a lot of Ravagers armed with Dissies.  Gives you an amazing trait, shooting consistency and access to Agents of Vect.
  • Grot walls or meat mountains - Go Prophets with big Grot walls, WWP them in or run them up the field with T5/6, 4++, FNP and 4W a piece with above average attacks.  The idea here is to combine the effort with Wyches or Reavers to apply maximum pressure.
  • Cursed Blade Wyches, but only in combination with Reavers or Grot Walls - Wyches by themselves are mediocre at best.  Even if you put 100 of them down on the table, I can't see them killing a whole bunch of applying good pressure until you mix them in with Grots or Reavers for added pressure.  Why Cursed Blade?  Because you will need the fearless or else people will shoot your ass to half and watch the rest crumble from morale.
  • T5 Reavers are really good too because they're fast enough to support any area of the battlefield and can supply decent anti-armor as well.

While I didn't call out Kabalite Warriors specifically, I do want to mention that I think we're still in the process of figuring stuff out.  I'm talking specifically about Obsession combinations like my Kabal of the Black Rose (Black Heart + Obsidian Rose) or even Flayed Skull Venom spam.  People are STILL debating what Obsessions to take for the Wych cults, but I think everyone and their mother agrees that Prophets is probably the best Coven.

Regardless of this early impression, I will say that in the next couple of days I'll be thinking heavily about Eldar soup and what that means from a competitive standpoint.  While Ynnari is pretty meh for me right now, I'm still very excited to mix in Alaitoc units with a Black Heart Spearhead.  I'm also excited to start playing around with just pure Aledari and say screw the Obsessions, let's just go for good value units.  Once the new Harlequins book drops, you will see that this endless debate on what's the best competitive DE list will change again.  Then again, we're not even sure we're ever going to see a pure DE list at the top tables.  I personally think Farseers are just so good I'm going out of my way to include them in my more competitive lists.

Life Is Strange 2 | Episode One "Roads" Review |

Posted by KP-3မိသားစု |

After a late spring of prodding, Dontnod's continuation of its award-winning episodic adventure arrangement Life is Strange is here, and it has a loud and clear message to convey to every one of us.

Quick Facts :

  • Initial release date: 27 September 2018
  • Developer: Dontnod Entertainment
  • Genre: Adventure game
  • Platforms: PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Microsoft Windows

'Roads' What Is It About :

'Roads', the first episode in Life Is Strange 2, is around two primary things; naivety and wistfulness. It's a testing, self-contradicting true to life experience about children growing up and confronting the duties that join that, encircled through the account of two siblings who are unreasonably youthful to be outfitted to manage their nerve racking circumstance. That juxtaposition is, at its center, what makes this opening section to Life is Strange 2 so exceptionally extraordinary. 

Life is Strange 2 includes none of the characters or settings of its forerunner. Its new saint, a 16-year-old hero Mexican-American kid named Sean Diaz, does not have a choice turning around time-travel capacity like Max Caulfield. Be that as it may, the minute an acoustic guitar starts carefully strumming over the sun-kissed title screen, it is obvious what you are playing. This might be a new story among new faces and obscure districts, however from every other angle this is Life is Strange.

The game rapidly sets the scene. Sean is a relatable track star youngster who is attempting to discover his way in the world , trying different things with workmanship, medications, and young ladies and stressing over whether kinships will last as his training finds some conclusion. The two siblings live with their dad Esteban, a workman and the passionate shake of the family which the siblings rotate around. 

Life is Strange 2 is inside and out a more intricate issue: its activity sprawls out from Seattle to the forested areas of Oregon and still more distant abroad, giving it the vibe of a street motion picture in amusement frame. 

The carefree dynamic of the Diaz family is quickly fathomed as you examine Sean's home, gathering supplies for a late-night party. The course of action has had a honest to goodness graphical refresh as a result of Unreal Engine 4, which infers swathes of superbly completed the process of describing objects, ordered journal doodles, and fluid, human activitys that pass on another level of nuance to the record.

Life is Strange 2, most importantly, is an account of fellowship and society, and even in its beginning times Sean and Daniel's relationship is tremendously contacting. Out and about, Sean is urged to not just pay special mind to or secure Daniel, but rather help raise him. That duty shows in manners both self-evident – don't spook the child with phantom stories previously you stay outdoors amidst the forested areas around evening time — and more hazy. You're bankrupt and eager and urgent. Is it worth a critical dollar to offer him a hint of something to look forward to as a chocolate bar or a toy? 

An untidy whiteboard demonstrates a disorderly errand plan… Invoices and apparatuses uncover that Esteban is a compulsive worker. Sean chimes in contemplatively to The Streets in his room, and Daniel opens his entryway somewhat subsequent to pummeling it close to ensure his sibling won't see his Halloween ensemble. It's a living domain, more so than any found in the principal diversion. 

The devil genuinely in the subtle elements, and this is extended to the discourse. Sean would now be able to respond to surrounding discussions amid ongoing interaction, or, in other words, much like the framework found in Night School's Oxenfree. This implies the game doesn't simply bolt you out when you associate with something, and there's very little dead air when you're investigating, which I for one believe is a colossal move up to life is strange part 1.

Discussions proceed all through physical activities, which helps me to remember discussion among Sam and Nathan in uncharted 4, makes the experience undeniably streaming and artistic. This is helped by an influx of new camera strategies, from taking off feathered creatures eye-see shots of the siblings to astute close-ups and wide edges that give space to the player to think about and consider what unfurls before them. 

A progression of grievous occasions happens not long after the introduction which results in the incidental demise of their racially provocative neighbor, which subsequently prompts their dad turning into a casualty of police severity, shot dead without hesitating. 

The menu and stock framework have been fleshed out definitively, and your knapsack is loaded up with nostalgic things from your home and will keep on clamoring with articles as you advance through the story. You can likewise hang trinkets and connect fixes to it, these going about as the discretionary collectables you can discover amid the occasions of the diversion. 

In particular, the things in your rucksack really mean something, As it holds everything that the siblings have left from their previous life. Sean's journal is another key bit of gear. Amid calm minutes Sean can utilize his craft aptitudes to sit and draw the earth around him, a fun little amusement that effectively makes a memory,(This too helps me to remember Uncharted 4 where Nathan draws his own guide in somewhat entertaining path as he continues investigating ) demonstrating DONTNOD's proclivity to attach play to the story.

While investigating you will locate an additional blue feature on specific things in the condition that takes into account a dialog between the siblings, rather than perceptions neighborhood to the hero. You can train Daniel about trail blast blemishes on trees and push him to continue attempting when he has a craving for abandoning skipping stones. 

Its influenced fascinating in light of the fact that you to understand that Sean is similarly as green to the world as his sibling, however is presently his sole gatekeeper. You're compelled to consider how you utilize that duty. Daniel is starving and you don't have any cash for nourishment, yet by taking you affect him by obscuring the lines among good and bad, which have outcomes even inside this one episode. 

Obviously, there are additionally interchange, more twofold flashpoints that don't have simple answers, however I found that creation intense choices and lamenting my activities attempted to make a feeling of perpetual quality and promise to my own story that had me considerably more drew in with this account than I at any point was in past titles in the arrangement. 

At last, this outcomes in a wonderfully paced prologue to a fresh out of the plastic new world, one that I never needed to take off. Cunning composition and important moves up to the moment to minute ongoing interaction guarantee that Life is Strange 2 is an equation breaking development for the experience diversion kind. 

The Verdict :

The first episode of Dontnod's Life is Strange 2 guarantees a greater, more intricate story than told by the predecessor, Though its social reactions feel expansive and rather awkward up until now, its center story of fellowship and clique between two conceivable characters is as of now gigantically contacting. With Life is Strange 2, DONTNOD has overhauled and refined each component that made its ancestor fruitful, while sprinkling some supernatural new increases in with the general mish-mash to make a basic kind pushing background that isn't only for fans.